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Our faith

What We Believe

The programs and activities governing the form of worship of River of Love Christian Fellowship shall be based upon, and at all times shall be consistent with, the following creed and beliefs.

Who We Are

River of Love is first and foremost a family in Christ. We are a people hungry for the presence of the Holy Spirit and to always hungry for the fresh revelation of the anointed teaching of The Word of God.

Our Gospel Services

At River of Love Christian fellowship not one service is quite like the other. We make sure that The Word of God is always preached while remaining open to the move of the Holy Spirit and to Him touching His people.


Dr. Gordon-John Manche'

Senior Pastor

Mariella Esther Manche'

Rev. Pastor


Deacons & Ministers

Nations For Christ Bible College

Become equipped for Christian ministry and achieve greater knowledge and revelation of the word of God.

Fellowship Bible Courses

Bible Courses open for all, designed to help every Christian live a victorious life in Christ in their daily life.

Christian Television

No matter where you are you can watch our Programs. Watch daily 'Habbejtek' and our International TV - 'The River Christian Channel' for free. Also Available online.

Our River of Love Family

River of Love is a famliy of people who have had an encounter with the Love of Christ. We all come from different walks of life but find our unity in Christ.

premises and expectations

River of Love | Christian Fellowship is situated off the Tal-Barrani Road, on the meeting point between four towns, namely Ħal Tarxien, Ħal Ħal Ghaxaq, Santa Lucia and Gudja. Our premises is complemented with an ample amount of parking spaces, and also with all the necessary accessibility requirements. Handicap facilities are also provided for whoever may need them.

Once you enter the Church premisses  one may find a beautiful, lovely hall way with Cafeteria area where you can enjoy a nice time of fellowship over a tea or coffee with your friends. The facility is blessed with a beautiful spacious open air back yard and garden. A Great place ideal to spend time in prayer with The Lord!

We often see people touched by the presence of God as they enter the building. The whole place is charged with the tangible anointed presence of the Holy Spirit as Jesus Christ alone is lifted and glorified! Expect something good to happen to you when you come. You have just entered the atmosphere of the Supernatural!


River of Love Christian Fellowship    Where everyone is welcome to experience the tangible presence of Spirit of God



Wednesday & Saturday, 07:00pm



Weekly Services

Our weekly services of Wednesday and Saturday vary from week to week. Generally, unless the Holy Spirit guides us differently, our Wednesday night Services are in a Bible Study style - often taking a Bible Theme or subject and we spend weeks teaching on that subject! Due to the fact that many need to leave earlier than the Saturday Services, our Wednesday services are more concise and finish by 9:00pm. It is a great time to get enriched with the pure teaching of the anointed Word of God.



Sunday, 10.00 Am - 12:30pm



SONday Celebration

Our SONday Celebration Service has become popular with various foreigners who live in Malta. Several different nationalities from all over the world attend our SONday services. Our SONday services are also the most followed from other nations and can be seen on our International IPTV Platform - "The River Christian Channel". Our SONday services are fresh and uniquely intimate. On many occasions SONday is when we also celebrate Holy Communion and The Table of The Lord together!


Wednesday & Saturday @ 8pm


Children's Classes

Jesus loves children and we love children also! Apart from being precious and valuable in the sight of God, we believe that children are the future of our nation and the generations to come! At River of Love there are different children groups where they will be taught from the Word of God to be everything God wants them to be! In a world where we hear about so much evil and abuse against children, River of Love offers a place where they not only can be kids but also children chosen and anointed by God!


We welcome you to the ministry of River of Love. Do not hesitate to fill our online contact form to get in touch with us! We will try to get back to you shortly, either by email or by a phone call.

Kindly supply us with your full name and surname along with a valid email address and mobile number. Also write a short message to describe the reason for your enquiry. Someone will get back with you as soon as possible


Thank you for your interest and friendship!

Please fill in the form's fields to send us a message. Please try to be straight to the point and clear in your enquiry.





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River of Love Christian Fellowship, Gondolier, Tarxien Road, Għaxaq, GXQ 2902, Malta, (EU)


Mobile: +356 9923 9132
Phone: +356 2748 3748



Proclaiming A Living Christ To A Hurting World!

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